
The Library Director is responsible for the daily administration of the Library, including the budget, staffing, policies, building maintenance, and services. 


The Executive Assistant is responsible for paying library bills, ordering supplies, maintaining library records, and attending Board meetings.


The Teen and Adult Services Librarian plans teen programs, maintains teen and adult collections, provides outreach aimed at teens, and provides reference services.


The Children's Librarian is responsible for helping with the children's and tween collections, planning and implementing programs, and providing reference services.


Adult Librarians are responsible for maintaining various library collections, providing reference services, and planning and running adult programs.


The Digital Librarian helps maintain the Library's website and digital content. In addtion, they provide reference services, provide technology assistance and maintain A/V collections.


The Head of Youth Services is responsible for managing the children's and tween collections, planning and running programs, facilitating outreach and providing reference services.